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Standing on the needles of a sadhu

Slow motion

Overcome your fears.

Languages: Georgian/English

Sadhu Nail Therapy Sadhu Nail Therapy is a method of relaxation, body rejuvenation, and spiritual development, the history of which begins in India in the 17th century BC, when the boards were used to work on deep karmic issues.

Sadhu Board Standing Therapy: Removes blocks along the spinal cord; regulates energy flow; increases vital energy. The nails act on acupuncture points located on the soles of the feet, which improves blood circulation and organ function. The mind is freed from the noise of thoughts.

Session progress: introduction and information sharing, meditation, setting intention, standing on nails, integration and reflection.

Duration of a group session (3-4 people):

1.5-2 hours.

Price: 60 GEL

Individual session duration: 1 hour

Price: 110 GEL

Along with standing on the needles of a sadhu, it is also possible to have a sound therapy session .

Duration of a group (3-4 people) combined session: 1.5-2.5 hours.

Price: 80 GEL

Individual combined session duration: 1.5 hours Cost: 150 GEL

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