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Introduction to Shadow Yoga

Irina Museliani

March 5-21 Mon./Wed./Fri. 20:00-21:30

Chaya Yoddha Sanchalanam, the second dynamic series of the Shadow Yoga school, combines sun forms (such as Surya Namaskar) and warrior forms (spiral movements) and resembles a dance.

Price: 190 GEL

Yoga Nidra - Yogic Sleep Practice


March 15 17:00 - 19:00

Yoga Nidra is a Sanskrit word that means yogic sleep, but during the practice we don't fall asleep, we walk the narrow path between sleep and wakefulness to travel into the subconscious world.

Price: 35 GEL

იოგას დილის კლასის გახსნა


18 მარტი 10:00 - 12:00

იოგა ინდივიდუალური მიდგომით იაკოსთან ერთად - ნებისმიერი ასაკისა თუ ფიზიკური შესაძლებლობების მქონე ადამიანისთვის.

Sound therapy

Slow motion

February 22 17:00

The purpose of the meeting is to relax and put the nervous system into a relaxed state, thus initiating the process of self-healing on a physical, emotional, and to some extent, mental level.

Price: 50 GEL

Renewal Workshop

Temo Beselia

March 28,29,30

Lumos Yoga Instructor, Temo Beselia, invites you to a three-day renewal retreat in Tsemi, where we will be hosted by Hotel Gantiadi, with cozy and comfortable rooms, close to the forest, which promises an even more unforgettable adventure.

Price: 600 GEL

"Gnosis, or the Heart of the Angel" - An introductory meeting with the Imma

That one

March 15 16:00 - 18:00

At the meeting, titled "Gnosis, or the Heart of an Angel" - Connection with the Spiritual World through Dreams, Immi will tell us chronologically about herself and her experiences from childhood to the present, and the important moments of her life.

Price: 20 GEL

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