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"Gnosis, or the Heart of the Angel" - An introductory meeting with the Imma

That one

March 15 16:00 - 18:00

At the meeting, titled "Gnosis, or the Heart of an Angel" - Connection with the Spiritual World through Dreams, Imma will tell us chronologically about herself and her experiences from childhood to the present, and the important moments of her life:

  • The first awakening - the feeling of returning home;

  • The second awakening - meeting with Christ;

  • Initiation - connection with Michael;

  • Exacerbation of foot problems;

  • Activating lucid dreaming - what are lucid dreaming and altered states of consciousness;

  • Starting to write a book;

  • Opening of the Gnosis group;

  • Spiritual journey with group members;

  • Step-by-step understanding of spiritual levels and one's own soul;

  • Movement from the demonic to the spiritual dimension;

  • 7 years of mystery school with dreams;

  • Parallels with Homer's Odyssey;

  • Spiritual dangers;

  • What happens after you go through the Mystery School and overcome the obstacles? - Back to the material dimension.

"This is impossible!" I say loudly and with great indignation and anger, and with a wave of my hand I shatter the "reality" of the dream, which scatters here and there like a thousand-colored shards of a shattered mirror. For a moment, the thought flashes that it is possible to shatter the world of dreams in this way, and I wake up indignant. I feel Michael's presence beside me and ask with surprise and resentment:

- What kind of joke is this?!

"Forgive me, but this is the rare scenario in which you clearly realize the illusory nature of the "reality" of the dream, even though your self-identification should be as strong as in the material world. I want you to also realize the illusory nature of this material world and shatter it as well! Remember your true essence!"

This excerpt from the Imma's Book of Dream Interpretations most clearly illustrates the ultimate goal of "Dream Yoga" (Tibetan: རྨི་ལམ་རྣལ་འབྱོར་, "Milam Naljor") - to realize the illusory nature of the world and to know one's true essence.

At the meeting, Imma will tell you about her journey into the world of dreams, in which spiritual beings guided her. 7 years of meetings in dreams and the knowledge transmitted from spiritual beings under the guidance of Archangel Michael were reflected in Imma's books (in four volumes), which may someday become a guide for followers of Dream Yoga to go through Michael's School of Dream Mystery.

Although the dream world is vague and symbolic, when seen through the interpretations of the monks, it took on a surprisingly orderly appearance. As a result, a unified, systematic picture emerged, which brought into harmony and shed light on many incompatible spiritual paradoxes and unexplained phenomena. The four volumes discuss such topics as: the organization of the world, light and dark spiritual hierarchies, stages of human consciousness development, journeys between dimensions, various forms and levels of knowing God, stories of the fall and rise of demons and angels, the paths of humanity's development, interpretations of the Revelation of John, and others.

All these topics are accompanied by the presence of the brilliant teacher, Archangel Michael. It is the heart of the angel, capable of the greatest and most selfless love, that creates Ariadne's thread to escape the labyrinths of matter, because returning to the divine light is precisely our return home!

The cost of attending the meeting is: 20 GEL;

The cost only includes administrative and meeting organization costs, but if you are unable to pay, you can still attend the meeting, just let us know during registration.

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